Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Photoshop Shortcuts

  • hold alt +right mouse -drag left or right (to change diameter of quick selection tool)
  • Create new layer ==> Ctrl–Shift–N
  • Select non-contiguous layers ==> Ctrl–click layers
  • Select contiguous layers ==> Click one layer, then Shift–click another layer
  • Delete Layer  ==> Delete key (while in the Move tool)
  • View contents of layer mask ==> Alt–click layer mask icon
  • Temporarily turn off layer mask ==> Shift–click layer mask icon
  • Clone layer as you move it ==> Alt–drag
  • Find/Select layer containing object ==> Right–click on the object w/Move tool
  • Change layer opacity ==> Number pad keys (w/Move tool selected)
  • Cycle down or up through blending modes ==> Shift–Plus(+) or Minus(–)
  • Change to a specific blending mode ==> (w/Move tool) Shift–Alt–letter (i.e.: N=Normal, M=Multiply. etc.)
  • Switch to layer below/above current layer ==> Alt–[ or Alt–]
  • Move layer below/above current layer ==> Ctrl–[ or Ctrl–]

  • Fill selection with Background color ==> Ctrl–Backspace
  • Fill selection with Foreground color ==> Alt–Backspace
  • Fill selection with Foreground color using Lock Transparent Pixels ==> Shift–Alt–Backspace
  • Fill selection with source state in History panel ==> Ctrl–Alt–Backspace
  • Display Fill dialog box ==> Shift–Backspace
  • Sample as background color ==> Alt–click w/Eyedropper tool
  • To get Move tool ==> While in any painting/editing tool, hold Ctrl
  • To get Eyedropper with painting tools ==> Alt
  • Change paint opacity (with Airbrush OFF) ==> Number keys
  • Change paint opacity (with Airbrush ON) ==> Shift–Number keys
  • Change Airbrush flow (with Airbrush ON) ==> Number keys
  • Change Airbrush flow (with Airbrush OFF) ==> Shift–Number keys
  • To get Crosshair Cursor ==> While in any painting/editing tool, turn Caps Lock on
  • Decrease/Increase brush size ==> [ or ]
  • Decrease/Increase hardness of brush ==> Shift–[ or Shift–]
  • Switch between preset brushes ==> < or >
  • Open Brushes pop-up panel ==> Right–click in image window
  • Erase to History panel's source state ==> Alt–Eraser
  • Cycle down or up through blend modes ==> Shift–Plus(+) or Minus(–)
  • Change to a specific blend mode ==> Shift–Alt–letter (i.e.: N=Normal, M=Multiply, etc.)
  • Create fixed color target from within a dialog box ==> Shift–click in image window
  • Delete fixed color target ==> Alt–click on target with Color Sampler tool
  • Create new Spot Color channel from current selection ==> Ctrl–click on New Channel button in Channels panel
Pen Tool & Paths

  • To get Direct Selection tool while using Pen tool ==> Ctrl
  • Switch between Add Anchor and Delete Anchor Point tools ==> Alt
  • Switch from Path Selection tool to Convert Point tool when pointer is over anchor point ==> Ctrl–Alt
  • To select a whole path w/Direct Selection tool ==> Alt–click
  • Convert path to a selection ==> Ctrl–click on path name (in Paths panel)

  • Show/Hide Brushes panel ==> F5
  • Show/Hide Color panel ==> F6
  • Show/Hide Layers panel ==> F7
  • Show/Hide Info panel ==> F8
  • Show/Hide Actions panel ==> Alt–F9
  • Open Adobe Bridge ==> Ctrl–Alt–O

Monday, October 8, 2018

Advantage of Test Automation framework
  1. Reusability of code
  2. Maximum coverage
  3. Recovery scenario
  4. Low-cost maintenance
  5. Minimal manual intervention
  6. Easy Reporting

Test Automation Frameworks:

  1. Module Based Testing Framework
  2. Library Architecture Testing Framework
  3. Data Driven Testing Framework
  4. Keyword Driven Testing Framework
  5. Hybrid Testing Framework
  6. Behavior Driven Development Framework

#1) Module Based Testing Framework
Module based Testing Framework is based on one of the popularly known OOPs concept – Abstraction. The framework divides the entire “Application Under Test” into a number of logical and isolated modules. For each module, we create a separate and independent test script. Thus, when these test scripts took together builds a larger test script representing more than one modules.
These modules are separated by an abstraction layer in such a way that the changes made in the sections of the application doesn’t yield affects on this module.

#2) Library Architecture Testing Framework

The Library Architecture Testing Framework is fundamentally and foundationally built on Module Based Testing Framework with some additional advantages. Instead of dividing the application under test into test scripts, we segregate the application into functions or rather common functions can be used by the other parts of the application as well. Thus we create a common library constituting of common functions for the application under test. Therefore, these libraries can be called from the test scripts whenever required.
The basic fundamental behind the framework is to determine the common steps and group them into functions under a library and call those functions in the test scripts whenever required.
Example: The login steps can be combined into a function and kept into a library. Thus all the test scripts those require to login the application can call that function instead of writing the code all over again.

#3) Data Driven Testing Framework

While automating or testing any application, at times it may be required to test the same functionality multiple times with the different set of input data. Thus, in such cases, we can’t let the test data embedded in the test script. Hence it is advised to retain test data into some external database outside the test scripts.
Data Driven Testing Framework helps the user segregate the test script logic and the test data from each other. It lets the user store the test data into an external database. The external databases can be property files, xml files, excel files, text files, CSV files, ODBC repositories etc. The data is conventionally stored in “Key-Value” pairs. Thus, the key can be used to access and populate the data within the test scripts.
Note: The test data stored in an external file can belong to the matrix of expected value as well as the matrix of input values.
Let us understand the above mechanism with the help of an example.
Let us consider the “Gmail – Login” Functionality.
Step 1: First and the foremost step are to create an external file that stores the test data (Input data and Expected Data).

Step 2: The next step is to populate the test data into Automation test Script. For this purpose, several API’s can be used to read the test data.

The above method helps to read the test data and the below test step helps the user to type in the test data on the GUI.

#4) Keyword Driven Testing Framework

The Keyword driven testing framework is an extension to Data driven Testing Framework in a sense that it not only segregates the test data from the scripts, it also keeps the certain set of code belonging to the test script into an external data file.
These set of code are known as Keywords and hence the framework is so named. Keywords are self-guiding as to what actions need to be performed on the application.
The keywords and the test data are stored in a tabular like structure and thus it is also popularly regarded as Table driven Framework. Take a notice that keywords and test data are entities independent of the automation tool being used.
Example Test case of Keyword Driven Test Framework

In the above example, keywords like login, clicking and verify Link are defined within the code.
Depending upon the nature of application keywords can be derived. And all the keywords can be reused multiple times in a single test case. Locator column contains the locator value that is used to identify the web elements on the screen or the test data that needs to be supplied.
All the required keywords are designed and placed in the base code of the framework.

#5) Hybrid Testing Framework

As the name suggests, the Hybrid Testing Framework is a combination of more than one above mentioned frameworks. The best thing about such a setup is that it leverages the benefits of all kinds of associated frameworks.

Example of Hybrid Framework
Test sheet would contain both the keywords and the Data.

In the above example, keyword column contains all the required keywords used in the particular test case and data column drives all the data required in the test scenario. If any step does not need any input then it can be left empty.

#6) Behavior Driven Development Framework
Behavior Driven Development framework allows automation of functional validations in easily readable and understandable format to Business Analysts, Developers, Testers, etc. Such frameworks do not necessarily require the user to be acquainted with the programming language. There are different tools available for BDD like cucumber, Jbehave etc. Details of BDD framework are discussed later in Cucumber tutorial. We have also discussed details on Gherkin language to write test cases in Cucumber.                                                                                                   

Components of Automation Testing Framework
Though the above pictorial representation of a framework is self-explanatory we would still highlight a few points.
1.     Object Repository: Object Repository acronym as OR is constituted of the set of locators types associated with web elements.
2.     Test Data: The input data with which the scenario would be tested and it can be the expected values with which the actual results would be compared.
3.     Configuration File/Constants/ Environment Settings: The file stores the information regarding the application URL, browser-specific information etc. It is generally the information that remains static throughout the framework.
4.     Generics/ Program logics/ Readers: These are the classes that store the functions which can be commonly used across the entire framework.
5.     Build tools and Continuous Integration: These are the tools that aids to the capabilities of the framework to generate test reports, email notifications and logging information.


The frameworks illustrated above are the most popular frameworks used by the testing fraternity. There are various other frameworks also in the place. For all the further tutorials we would base on the Data Driven Testing Framework.
In this tutorial, we discussed the basics of an Automation Framework. We also discussed the types of frameworks available in the market.
#selenium, #testautomationframework, #framework, #automation, #testing, #softwaretesting

Thursday, October 4, 2018

Remedy Swollen Feet/Ankle

Below are some remedies for Swollen Feet/Ankle

Remedy A

  • English: Mix native ginger with alcohol and smear in swollen feet/ankle
  • Tagalog: Ipahid ang native na luya mixed in alcohol sa manas na binti)

Remedy B

  • English: Mix native ginger with kerosine and smear in swollen feet/ankle
  • Tagalog: Ipahid ang native na luya mixed in kerosine sa manas na binti

Remedy C

  • English: Boil water with salt (2liters water 5or10 tbl spoon of salt) then remove boiling water soak swollen feet/ankle(temperature of boil water depends on how you can handle the heat). 
  • Tagalog: Uminit ng tubig na my asin(2litrong tubig 5or10 kutsarang asin) tangalin and mainit na tubig and ibabad ang manas na paa(ibabad ng paa sa init ng tubig na kaya mo tiisin)

#health, #remedy, #swollen, #swollenfeet, #swollenankle, #ankle, #manas na paa, #feet, #health remedy.

Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Change RAM in Virtual Box on the installed OS

Follow steps below to expand/change RAM in Virtual Box/Virtual Machine for the installed OS

  1. Power down the VM (the guest has to be off, not just not running but with a saved state).
  2. Discard 'Saved State'
  3. Open the VM's settings.
  4. Open the System tab.
  5. Change the "Base memory" value to however much RAM you want.

#virtual box, #virtualbox, #RAM, #OS, 

Fundamental of a good presentation

Tips and Tricks in delivering good and effective Presentation to your audiences:

#speaker, #presentation, #effective, #report, #teach, #audience, #tips, #tricks

"This Site Can’t Be Reached"(Solved)

If you getting the error only with the chrome then you can follow these steps;
Make sure you are using updated Google Chrome version of your Windows.

  • Go to Chrome settings > Show advanced settings > Privacy column
  • Look for "Use a prediction service to load pages more quickly"
  • Select its checkbox to allow DNS prediction.
  • Restart the Chrome browser only & check.
#This Site Can’t Be Reached, #fixed, #ThisSiteCan’tBeReached